Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fashion Hope presents...Mazzucco Photo Exhibit and Artwork For Charity

Gina Hole of Sugar Studios( beautiful floral kimono insspired dress)

Last night I was invited by Vernard Gould to attend this fantastic event at the beautiful Sugar Studios. It was a pleasure meeting Gina Hole, Studio Owner/Artist Rep, and Charlene Swalehe Studio Manager, the Production Assistant/Intern, Katie Edmunds and THEY Representation- Photographer and Artist Agency, who collectively was so kind enough to provide the venue for this important and glitzy event. The beautifully designed Sugar Studios couldn't be perfect for the event.

Carola Bun Pearl Necklaces

Just to be able to meet Raphael Mazzucco's son and mother was a highlight for me. Both Raphael Mazzucco and his sons photographs were beautifully displayed in a completely white studio space, which only complimented the already creative and innovative photos.

Silent Auction

                                                                   Marilyn R. Wilson

Raphael Mazzucco

                                                         Designed by Marlene Grotrian

                                                                Andrea and friend

                            Katie Edmunds and Studio Manager, Charlene Swalehe of Sugar Studios

                                  Jose of Fashion Guard and Victoria Radbourne photographer.

                                                                         Sasha Mazzucco

                                                (far right) Tristan Igrolozi...Make Up Artist

                                           Reece Tasker for Tush Lingerie/Swimwear

Lisa Marie Mazzucco (mother)

Jose from Style Guard Magazine with the Mazzucco's

Miss Canada  Tara Teng

Magician Christopher James

                                                   Sophie from Blushing Boutique

MP Joyce Smith speaks of Human Trafficking

Natasha a survivor of Human Trafficking spoke of her disturbing but important story.

Far left is the talented Sarazen Brooks, a visual artist/painter

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