Wednesday, August 17, 2011

LG Event at Mercedes Benz North Vancouver...the crowd.

                                       Stephen Sawchuck of House of Leo/ Producer

          I have no idea who she is. She looks good though...not very happy. I guess that's the look?
                                    ...very believable.

Vashti designer of the boots she wearing.

                                         Angelina Jolie meets Katie Holmes...perfection!

                                                               Canadian model, Charity...:)

                                      Kurosh Keshavarzi/ Assistant Manager Mercedes-Benz

                                            Evan Biddel winner of Project Runway with friend.
                  Highlight of my evening is when he squeezed my left butt cheek. I turn around and                                                                Evan Biddel!...the most action I had in...never mind.

                         Ania Taubenfligel   Triarchy Stylist Winner of the evening  for best Designer -                                                Triarchy Designer- Adam Taubenfligel    

                                                                 Evan Biddel with gorgeous friend.

 Ms. Robin Kay-  Executive Director, LG Fashion Week/ President fashion Design Counsel of  Canada and, Julesof JFG Designs


Andrew Serano with friends.

Stephen Sawchuk

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