Monday, August 15, 2011

Daily Blog

So it finally happened! Vancouver, Vegas is another story. I pulled my Bill Cunningham, or tried, and I offended a whole group of stylish people. They drove up beside me...I know ready to raise hell, to tell me that what I am doing is rude and wanted to witness me erase an otherwise good pic.

I was waiting for this to happen. I think I handled it well, no raised voices and no hitting...thank God!

I can handle rejection now. Pretty numb to it unless they yell obscenities to me or threaten me, like in Vegas. (There's a story there, but that's the past and the guy was a boner.)...chill. People really get freaked by it. I'm trying to understand the way my friends and family tell me how people feel. I get it...I do. My ego can be uncontrollable when people tell me to "fuck off", "hey loser" ,and "freak." ...don't we all feel that way?
Some seem so paranoid of where the pic will end up. That makes sense to me, but have you heard of Facebook? Twitter?

I know they just want the respect of 'asking' first. As a photographer I prefer random shots. They're more believable and alive! That's why I do it sometimes. I know I keep on about this, but this just happened. It's my way of self care...let it out, and let it go.

It's difficult taking pictures with two dogs in one hand so photos are, bleak. I did my best for now. Next time...NO DOGS!


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